AFCEA CMD 2013 Race for Excellence 5K
It was a glorious sunny morning for the the 6th annual 2013 Race for Excellence 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run. The eventbenefits AFCEA’s Central Maryland Scholarship Fund, which provides merit-based college scholarships to deserving local high-school students.
This community event has over 30 companies and local vendors help sponsor the event including ClearedJobs.Net customer, SAIC, who is also a long standing partner of AFCEA CMD, providing the race location and considerable support. There were 67 teams registered including the new Women in Intelligence Group, WIIG, who ran “wigs” to keep the fun plus the anonymity of working in the intelligence community. The Women In Intelligence Group is a sub group of AFCEA Central Maryland, which provides many networking and educational activities such as Speaker Series, Mentor Groups and Happy Hours. ClearedJobs.Net’s CMO Kathleen Smith participated in this team.
Over 60 teams competed in the 2013 5K Team Challenge with Varen Technologies maintaining their title for the largest team with a total of 92 employees running. SAIC lost its title of fastest combined team to Northrop Grumman.
This year, close to 1000 registered participants and their families turned out for the event. Since 2008, the event has contributed over $200K to the AFCEA CMD education fund which supports many activities including scholarships, endowments, teacher tool kit awards and our adopt-a-school program. This year’s event will contribute close to $50,000 to the Scholarship Fund.
Many other ClearedJobs.Net customers participated in the event such as Northrop Grumman, CSC, ClearedEdge, General Dynamics and KeyW, who also sponsored the Kids Area family event at Nottingham’s.
ClearedJobs.Net provided bottled water for all the runners as well as promotional support in one of our world-famous music videos!
This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 12:20 pm