“Ask Patra!” Column … Edition #002

Posted by Patra Frame

Each week, Patra Frame, a frequent presenter at the Cleared Job Fairs will answer a job seekers question. These are questions that are either asked at the Cleared Job Fairs or sent into Patra. The questions can range from job searching, interviewing, or career strategy.

This week’s question:

Q: I keep hearing that I need to have a profile on LinkedIn or Facebook, so recruiters can find me. But my work has mostly been classified so I cannot talk about it.

A: If your work has been classified, much of your actual work – such as data analysis, writing, briefing, building teamwork, dealing with difficult customers – probably is not. So when you write your profile and fill in your job history, you can talk about your actual work and achievements without getting into classified details.

For example:

  • Synthesized intelligence data, briefed senior command staff on critical issues, and was recognized for my expertise
  • Researched and wrote technical reports for DHS senior management which contributed to on-going mission-critical operations
  • Trained and developed a team of entry through senior level analysts in support of seven major combat operations
  • Developed software systems to analyze complex data streams

There are many benefits to having a profile on a social media site like these including:

  • It is as a way for you to connect or re-connect with people you know or have worked with, and to ask for their help in your job search
  • You can have recommendations which talk about your top qualities and thus encourage hiring managers to contact you
  • You can use the sites for research into organizations and people who interest you or with whom you are going to interview

Also once you have had your resume approved by your security officer, your resume is available to give to other employers. This same information that is on your resume may be used in a profile.

About Patra Frame

Patricia Frame is an experienced human resources consultant and executive. She has managed development of HR and administrative functions, organization development, employment, process restructuring for productivity, compensation, training, and the human resources aspects of mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. For more information, please visit


  • Patra Frame

    Patra Frame is ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Management Consultant. She is an experienced human resources executive and founder of Strategies for Human Resources. Patra is an Air Force veteran and charter member of the Women in Military Service for America Memorial. Follow Patra on Twitter @2Patra.

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This entry was posted on Monday, June 01, 2009 10:58 am

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