All posts by Anthony Kuhn

  • Do I Need a Security Clearance Attorney

    I hear far too often as a security clearance attorney, “I didn’t know I should hire an attorney” or “my security officer told me I could handle this myself.” In nearly every security clearance case and at every stage in the adjudication process, your chances of suc… more

  • Three Consequences of Using Marijuana After Your State “Legalizes”

    States across the country are claiming to have legalized marijuana. While they have the authority to do so for State law only, marijuana still remains an illegal Schedule 1 drug and controlled substance to the Federal government. Many people, including gun owners, security c… more

  • Three Social Media Activities That Might Cost You Your Security Clearance

    It should be no surprise that most clearance holders have active social media accounts on one or more of the many available platforms. Over the past year technological improvements used to track information and activity on social media platforms has rapidly increased. Whi… more