All posts by Pat Tovo

  • How to Turn Around a Bad Interview

    We’ve all been there. You’re pouring over new cleared job postings when you come across a position that seems just perfect. Good company. Good location. Terrific job description. Your heart starts to beat a bit faster as you crank out a cover letter, tailor your resume to the… more

  • What You Were Reading on ClearedJobs.Net in 2016

    This year has been memorable for many reasons and we’re going to start the ball rolling on those Top Ten Lists by recapping our most popular articles for 2016. From certifications to salary negotiations to skills in demand, these stories will help the cleared job seeker fine tu… more

  • Build Your Network Before You Need It

    When someone mentions networking, it conjures images of stilted conversations at professional cocktail parties. Forced smiles. Swapping business cards. There is absolutely nothing wrong with attending networking events. You should, in fact, because they can be really helpful i… more

  • Better Leave These Behind When You Interview

    It’s not getting any easier.  The cleared job market remains competitive which means identifying the right fit is going to take some hard work.  Finding a cleared job is no exception. You will research companies, network with friends and former colleagues, polish your resume,… more