Category Archives: Networking

  • 10 Effective LinkedIn and Social Networking Tips for Cleared Professionals

    Our top tips to effectively use social networking for cleared job search and career development. 1. Select Your Social Networks When deciding which social media networks to use in your cleared job search, consider which platforms are popular within your industry. … more

  • Don’t Just Apply: Network Your Way into Your Next Cleared Job

    Depending on the position, employers may receive more applications for their openings than they can thoroughly review, making it easy for yours to get lost in the shuffle. "If the idea is just to apply to as much stuff as possible and see what hits, it's going to take you… more

  • 3 Principles of Non-Sleazy Networking for 1099s and Job Hunters

    Note: This article is adapted from the author’s book: Going 1099: How to become a solo federal sub-contractor and gain control of your working life, earn more money, and unlock more free time. One of the ways I have pursued 1099 gigs is through networking. Yes, every… more

  • Networking: If Nothing Else, Please Do These 4 Things

    There’s usually not much you can do to escape writing a resume or participating in an interview at some point during a job search. Networking on the other hand is a job search tool you can avoid—but you know you shouldn’t. Even though it’s one of the most important t… more

  • How to Expand Your Professional Network

    Our top 10 list of things you must do to expand your professional network for cleared job search success. Building a strong network is crucial to career success, as most job seekers land new jobs through some form of networking. Expand your network and reconnect with past… more