Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • Cleared Job Seekers and Age Discrimination

    “I’m not talking about botox and hair dye.” Patra Frame For years security cleared job seekers had few worries about finding employment. For many that has now changed, and just holding a security clearance no longer ensures you’re going to find a job easily. Even at th… more

  • Increasing Your LinkedIn Connections

    Many folks build their LinkedIn profile, add some of their friends, then call it a day. Not a good strategy for building a network. Your online network is built and nurtured through active conversations, just like your offline network. You wouldn’t meet someone at a party an… more

  • How Does a Recruiter Use Social Media to Vet Job Seekers

    Veteran technical recruiter Doug Munro shares how he uses social media to vet cleared job seekers. Doug uses LinkedIn to find a more robust picture of a job seeker’s experience and abilities vs. what is found on a resume. And he relates the sage advice we all know now –… more

  • Military Service to Civilian Success: Translate Achievements

    A resume is an advertisement for what you offer an employer. Far too many people don’t understand this. How do you show what you offer an employer when your experience and success has come in the military environment? Focus on your achievements! The smartest thing you can… more

  • Thank You Notes, Critical to Your Job Search

    “You did learn how to say thank you when you were a kid, didn’t you?” Patra intones. Did you send a thank you note after your last job interview? You'd be surprised how many job seekers do not follow through on this important step of the job search process. Hiring man… more