Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • Building the Relationship: Questions to Ask in Interviews

    Victor Wieczorek and Edward Dunnahoe are involved in the hiring process for the Threat & Attack Simulation Team at GuidePoint Security. With abundant experience as both interviewers and interviewees, they offer advice on the kinds of questions you should be asking in you… more

  • Interviews: Behind the Scenes

    Interviews come in a wide variety now. You may have a phone screen or a text one, a video interview with no human connection or a Facetime/Skype one with an actual human. But most hiring situations still involve at least one traditional interview with one or more people, whether … more

  • What Does it Mean to be Professional

    What does professionalism mean in today’s cleared job market? What does it mean to you? And to the customer site where you may be working? There are a number of aspects of professionalism, including conduct, appearance, behavior, dependability, communication, ethics, organiz… more

  • What Do I Really Want in My Next Job

    Many people start a cleared job search by looking for the same job they currently have or that job one level up. Whether you're deep in a job search or just thinking it's time to start, take a look at your options. Are you the same person you were when you took your most recen… more

  • 5 Ways You Waste Time in Your Job Search

    Job search is hard enough on its own. Make sure you’re not getting in your own way, by pursuing any of these strategies that may trip you up: Applying for way too many jobs. It’s almost too easy to apply for jobs these days, and as a job board we’ve contributed to the… more