Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • How to Assess an Employer’s Support of Work-Life Balance

    Work-life balance has been a ‘hot topic’ for some years but what it means is not so clear. Companies may tout theirs in their careers website or job ads with actual practices which range from highly supportive to quite negative. At its most basic, work life balance is how you… more

  • Is A New Job In Your Future

    Are you considering vying for a new position or promotion with your current employer? Or is it about time to be searching for a new employer? While you decide, now is the time to take some basic steps to ensure your career future shines. Sit down with a blank page in fro… more

  • Where Do I Wear My Name Badge

    Some of you are probably thinking, “Wow, who really cares?” It may seem trivial, but it’s part of your appearance, and one of the first things others will notice when meeting you at a job fair or networking event. You want to look the part of the prepared professional when… more

  • On Behalf of All Recruiters, I’m Sorry

    Recruiters aren’t perfect. So many of us have a “recruiter” title, but what that means really varies and there are many recruiters that give the rest a bad name. Normally those recruiters are the ones who have irritated you as a candidate with spam emails or sales tactics o… more

  • Take That Phone Screen Interview Seriously

    The first step in your interviewing path to a new cleared job is typically a phone-screen interview, before an in-person interview is scheduled. That saves everyone time. What many cleared job seekers don’t realize is that their casual preparation and responses to phone-scre… more