Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • How to be a Zebra in a Field of Cleared Unicorns

    Unicorns and purple squirrels (terms recruiters use for job seekers that match a job opening's requirements perfectly) are hard to find. In this field of mythical creatures you have to find a way to be a zebra. A real animal with high contrast stripes that doesn’t look like any… more

  • Detailed Success Stories Improve Your Resume and Interviewing Results

    You know why you’d be a great asset if you’re hired. The problem is that those that review your resume or interview you don’t have the time – or interest – in reading between the lines to uncover your talents. If you hide your professional triumphs in dense, off-poin… more

  • Always Tailor Your Resume When You Apply

    You crafted your resume, fine-tuned it, spellchecked it and are ready to hit send, confident the job is yours. STOP! If you haven’t tailored it for the specific job for which you’re applying you might as well hit delete instead of send. Recruiters spend an average of si… more

  • Delivering an Effective Presentation

    Some job seekers are asked to make a presentation as a part of their interview process. If they deliver an effective presentation to the interview team, they’ll likely move on to the next step of the interview process. If they deliver a great presentation they may find themselv… more

  • You Flubbed the Interview, Here’s How To Recover

    You polished your resume, donned your best outfit and arrived at the interview exactly on time – and then you said absolutely the wrong thing. You flubbed an answer. You used an inappropriate example. You forgot a basic fact. You bombed. You put your foot in it. You leave, p… more