Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • 4 Tips for More Effective Job Search on ClearedJobs.Net

    As much as job seekers get frustrated about the lack of time a recruiter spends looking at each resume (six seconds is the most quoted stat), it turns out that job seekers aren’t doing much to hold up their end of the bargain either. In fact, a Wall Street Journal article repo… more

  • I Hate Reading Cover Letters

    I hate reading cover letters.  You hate writing cover letters. Most recruiters I talk to think that cover letters are a complete waste of time. So why do we put ourselves through such misery?  The problem is that some companies are still asking for them and will ding you for… more

  • Strike a Power Pose, Improve Your Interview

    For some of you this will really strike a chord. For others it may be eye-roll time. If you’re not very confident or if you’re uncomfortable in situations such as interviews or job fairs, striking a power pose is for you. In a job search when you have the opportunity to in… more

  • 4 Keys to an Effective Job Board Resume

    It’s the job seeker's golden rule: If you want to be found, think like a recruiter. Nowhere is this more true than with job boards such as ClearedJobs.Net. Unfortunately many candidates don’t understand how job boards work, or how recruiters use them. This leads to many a q… more

  • How to Handle Employment Gaps

    Once upon a time, the main employment gaps were among mothers returning to the work force. But now, such gaps are fairly common. More men are taking on family care, middle career people and retiring military are taking sabbaticals, it's not as easy to roll from one contract to an… more