Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • Most Frequently Asked Interview Question – What’s Your Biggest Weakness

    "What's your biggest weakness?" asks the interviewer. "Well, um, I guess it would be…." stumbles the interviewee. And, the rest as they say is history. A history of missed opportunities due to lack of a credible and reasonable response to one of the most frequently asked inte… more

  • A Resume Only a Mother Could Love

    At our recent Cleared Job Fair we had a cleared job seeker register with a 13-page resume. 13 pages? Did we discover the long-lost resume of Leonardo da Vinci? Albert Einstein? Other than perhaps your mother - and my mother likely wouldn’t make it past page one - who woul… more

  • 7 Tips for Online Interview Preparation

    Your goal is to be current on the company's activities and to develop relevant questions to ask in the interview. That demonstrates you’re an informed professional, current with today’s technology and modes of communication. To that end, incorporate social media and other … more

  • Nine Cardinal Rules of Interviewing

    Hundreds, and probably thousands of rules, guidelines, and guides have been written about how to interview. Some are more helpful than others. However ignoring the Rules of Interviewing listed below can ruin your chance of getting a cleared job! Rule # 1 Never answer a questio… more

  • Three Networking Success Tips

    You can hardly say job search without 'networking' popping up. Why? Studies show consistent networkers are more successful in business and in life. Yet many of us fear it or misunderstand the process. These are human connections. You are helping each other. Tip 1. Learn how to… more