Category Archives: Military Transition / Veterans
3 Steps to Bridge the Military to Civilian Language Barrier
Everyone is talking about the need to help veterans and transitioning military members find a job. It’s a learning process for both our service members and the recruiters looking to hire them. The number one reason I always hear mentioned for this disconnect is vets and transi… more
How Military Transition is Like Cooking
What’s the very best meal you could make right now using nothing but the items currently found in your kitchen? Could you pull off a four course meal? Whip up a deep dish lasagna? Soup and sandwich? OK, maybe just soup? [caption id="attachment_10894" align="alignright" width… more
How Military Women Find Job Search Success
Military women transitioning to the civilian world over the past decade have had higher rates of unemployment than men. What can you do to make sure you find the right cleared job and succeed? 1. Take advantage of every transition program offered. Research shows that those … more
How to Fail Your Military Transition
Want to ensure you have trouble finding a civilian job? Looking forward to months without a job? Ready to go through 3-4 job searches in your first few years after the military? Probably NOT! But those problems are quite common. Failure 1: Defining a Specific Career/Job Y… more
Two Sessions for Transitioning Military
Military Appreciation Month is upon us. If you’re in the DC area, two military transition programs you want to participate in are May 8 in Crystal City, Va. AFCEA Nova Military Transition Seminar Breakfast Transitioning Military are invited to attend this breakfast mee… more