December Podcast Roundup: Make 2023 Your Year for Career Advancement

Security Cleared Jobs: Who’s Hiring & How is brought to you by ClearedJobs.Net and hosted by Kathleen Smith and Rachel Bozeman. Our December round-up includes:
- Best resume writing tips from our 2022 podcast guests
- DD Piotter, Lead Technical Recruiter, Maxar Technology
- Highlights from our 2022 season
- Tom Smith, COO, JCTM
As we slide into a new year, all job seekers need to educate themselves on how to stand out from their cleared competition. Make 2023 the year you move your career forward on a fast-track – advice from our podcast guests will help!
Best Cleared Resume Advice from Our Guests
We compiled a bonus episode from our 2022 podcast guests who share tips on how to create an impactful, attention-getting resume. Terrific insights include:
- You have about ten seconds to grab the attention of a busy recruiter.
- The layout should be clean and concise with an uncluttered format.
- Talk about what you accomplished versus listing job responsibilities.
- Tailor your resume to the job posting.
Never doubt that a dynamic resume is the first step in moving your career forward. Take advantage of these compiled suggestions.
Maxar Technology | DD Piotter
Maxar is a unique company that services technology companies with classified contracts and also technology developed by folks who are curious and explorative. They support U.S. government customers and the public sector around the globe.
Right now, they have a lot of opportunities in Ypsilanti, MI. Several of these postings are available to candidates who do not yet have a clearance, and Maxar can sponsor the cleared process. There are also open positions in Northern Virginia that are focused on modernizing the army which may appeal to transitioning vets. There is always a big need for object-oriented programmers with Java and C++ experience.
DD encourages every candidate to come to the interview with a spectrum of questions, exploring if Maxar is a good fit. If you want to make that exploration, you can connect with DD via LinkedIn.
Highlights of Our 2022 Podcast Season
In this special episode of our podcast, our hosts share some of their favorite moments from our shows this past year. If you are looking for job search advice spanning salary advice, interview tips and more, check out this episode. Some highlights include:
- Look for transparency in your salary negotiations.
- How service buddies support transitioning military in the interview process.
- What it means for you to join an employee-owned company.
- How to avoid failing a video interview.
- An internal program that helps employees map their career journey.
These are just a few of the special moments that stood out for us this past year. Listen and take note because it’s typically hard to find all this good advice from top recruiters in one place.
An Encore Presentation: JCTM | Tom Smith
This episode is a “producer pick” featuring a past informative appearance from Tom Smith.
When talking about his company, Tom describes it as a family of JCTMers. “We rely on one another, expect the best of each other and come together, both professionally and personally, to support each other and the United States.”
At this time, their cleared hiring needs are for Information Ops SMEs and defensive cyber security in the National Capital Region, California and OCONUS. Their focus is finding the right candidate, not just someone who brings the right skills.
Along with job satisfaction, JCTM offers good benefits, which include profit sharing, training support, empowering employees to chase their passions from an innovation perspective and supporting organizations and charities that are important to the employees.
You can reach Tom via LinkedIn.
Tune In for More Episodes
Don’t miss out on new episodes filled with invaluable career intel every Wednesday. You can access each episode, notes about the show, transcripts and ways to contact each recruiter via Or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and other popular podcast directories.
This entry was posted on Monday, January 09, 2023 9:00 am