Keywords Get Your Resume Noticed
We’ve all heard that one of the most important things in real estate is location, location, location. The job search equivalent is keywords, keywords, keywords.
Keywords are the nouns (“programmer”) or noun phrases (“java programmer”) that employers and recruiters use when searching a resume database. It’s the same concept as when you do a Google search or search the ClearedJobs.Net job database — you enter keywords to help you find the positions that interest you.
How do you find the right keywords? Your first step is to look at a variety of job descriptions in your chosen field or industry. You’ll see certain words or phrases used repeatedly. Pull out those words to create what we call your “magic list.” Then use your magic list when building your resume.
When you are customizing your resume to apply for a particular position, check the words or phrases in the job posting and be sure to mirror them in your resume. What you are trying to do is make sure you are noticed. If the recruiter doesn’t see your resume, you’ll never get out of the starting gate.
This entry was posted on Monday, August 16, 2010 11:00 am