Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • When You Need to Laugh Roll the Blooper Reel

    Whenever venturing into something new be it a job search, learning a new technology or taking on a new project, there are going to be mistakes, mishaps, and bloopers! Over the last several months, while dealing with the new norm brought on by the pandemic, I have had to adapt… more

  • 3 Ways to Leverage Your Communications Channels to Support Recruitment

    It’s tempting to push pause on candidate engagement and communication efforts when facing uncertainty. Things are still changing on a weekly or even daily basis for many of us, as we continue to adjust to life in the midst of a pandemic. And with so much up in the air, it�… more

  • Are You Missing Out on These Cleared Opportunities

    In the cleared community we often see countless openings for engineers and analysts, but are you familiar with cleared opportunities for paramedics or ASL interpreters? While jobs like these may not appear frequently across your radar, there are many unique positions in the … more

  • Federal and Military Retirees: Start Smart for Success

    He looked like a successful executive, a 'sharp-dressed man,' and presented himself as one. But then I looked at his resume - it didn't do him justice. This happens regularly at Cleared Job Fairs and other events where I review resumes of federal and military people approach… more

  • How to Search for Remote Positions on ClearedJobs.Net

    Remote work, telecommuting, working from home (WFH)– whatever you choose to call it, isn’t a new phenomenon, but it may have crossed your radar more frequently as of late. Flexible workplace options have steadily gained traction over the years and with the arrival of COV… more