Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
The View from the Hiring Manager’s Desk
Sure, interviewing for a job is difficult, but so is hiring. It wasn’t until I was a hiring manager that I realized how draining interviews can be from the decision-maker side of the table. Sifting through resumes, setting parameters for screening and shifting my own work… more
Veterans Report: VA Choice funding running low, veteran groups kill part of budget proposal, bipartisan work on military pay, PTS research, and more
It’s time to focus on children of wounded warriors, experts say Karen Jowers (@KarenJowers), Military Times America’s wounded warriors face ongoing, lifelong care that can drastically change the dynamics of a military family. Often, while the primary focus remains on wounde… more
7 Steps to a Successful Phone Screen Interview
What’s the best advice for a successful phone screen interview? Treat it as you would a “real” interview. The purpose of a phone screen is for you and the employer to do an initial review to see if it makes sense to have more in-depth discussions. Some companies have som… more
Turn Shyness Into a Job Interviewing Strength
Shyness doesn’t mean you can’t do well in interviews. The difference between stuttering and suffering through one-on-one interviews and presenting your best self comes down to preparation. “Make some of that preparation not just about what you’d like to discuss when… more
Military Transition: Finding Your Best Career Choices
These are selected excerpts from Patra Frame's new ebook Military Transition: Defining Your Future Career Options for Current Military and Veterans. A Job-Hunt Guide. Too often my conversations with military in transition demonstrate they have jumped into a job search with lim… more