Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
They Still Don’t Get It
Throughout my tenure at ClearedJobs.Net, one thing has stayed the same: Job seekers don’t understand recruiting. There is so much confusion on the part of a job seeker as to who - recruiter, sourcer, staffing, hiring manager or headhunter - does what, and why. What is heartbrea… more
Should I Work for a Large or Small Contractor
What do you want from your job? Security? Resources to accomplish your goals? Autonomy? One of the things for you to consider when seeking a new cleared job is the size of the firm that you want to work for. We recently asked Mike Bruni, Director of Talent Acquisition at SC3,… more
Understanding Military Salary Histories
There's no doubt that a candidate’s salary demands/expectations are critical in determining whether or not they will take (and remain) in a position. This is why so many applications, career sites, and early interviews will ask the candidate about their salary history. While… more
5 Simple Self-Marketing Tips for Cleared Job Seekers
When you are actively searching for a new cleared position - or thinking that you may need to soon, it is time to put together a personal marketing plan. Learning to think of yourself as a product is critical. This includes discovering what you are ‘selling’ and how to emphas… more
Veteran Transition Timeline: When to Attend Job Fairs
If you’re curious as to how job seekers could possibly get so many different answers to such a basic question like “When should I first attend a job fair,” well the answer lies in the ambiguity of personal circumstance. In this case it’s the circumstances of both the empl… more