Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • They Still Don’t Get It

    Throughout my tenure at ClearedJobs.Net, one thing has stayed the same: Job seekers don’t understand recruiting. There is so much confusion on the part of a job seeker as to who - recruiter, sourcer, staffing, hiring manager or headhunter - does what, and why. What is heartbrea… more

  • Should I Work for a Large or Small Contractor

    What do you want from your job? Security? Resources to accomplish your goals? Autonomy? One of the things for you to consider when seeking a new cleared job is the size of the firm that you want to work for. We recently asked Mike Bruni, Director of Talent Acquisition at SC3,… more

  • Understanding Military Salary Histories

    There's no doubt that a candidate’s salary demands/expectations are critical in determining whether or not they will take (and remain) in a position. This is why so many applications, career sites, and early interviews will ask the candidate about their salary history. While… more

  • 5 Simple Self-Marketing Tips for Cleared Job Seekers

    When you are actively searching for a new cleared position - or thinking that you may need to soon, it is time to put together a personal marketing plan. Learning to think of yourself as a product is critical. This includes discovering what you are ‘selling’ and how to emphas… more

  • Veteran Transition Timeline: When to Attend Job Fairs

    If you’re curious as to how job seekers could possibly get so many different answers to such a basic question like “When should I first attend a job fair,” well the answer lies in the ambiguity of personal circumstance. In this case it’s the circumstances of both the empl… more