Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • How Do You Find a Senior Cleared Position

    A common theme at Cleared Job Fairs is the number of people who are looking for senior roles in management or professional jobs who lament how tough the job search is. Often this starts with a variant of ‘I keep applying for jobs but I never hear back.’ Few seem to realize th… more

  • Career or Job: Making the Most of Your Future

    Much of the time we seek career options and growth. Sometimes, perhaps due to care for aging parents or an ill spouse, you just need a place-holder job that pays the bills but allows you to leave it at the door. Either way, you can improve your future with these basics. Tip 1.… more

  • Best Bang for Your Recruiting Investment

    According to the 2015 Candidate Research Report, candidates are looking well in advance for their jobs and are looking to have a real conversation before they go through the application process. While many smaller employers might not consider a job fair as part of their recrui… more

  • Navigating the Ups-and-Downs of Job Loss and Job Search

    Recently I was reminded about the emotional side of job loss. I was talking with a now happily employed person – we’ll call her Joan – who recalled what it felt like to lose her job many years ago. Although time had passed, emotions surfaced that were still raw when she re… more

  • Before You Hit Apply for This Job

    In federal contracting, there is a term called “Req Recruiting.” A recruiter receives a requisition to place a potential person in a position in a particular program. Said recruiter, if indeed a sourcing sorcerer, employs many magical methods to find and vet the perfect perso… more