Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
Black Hat + Veterans
For some time now we have been saying the information security workforce shortage could be solved if we encouraged more veterans to transition into this field. Veterans have the key skills and experience that all information security or cybersecurity companies are looking for. … more
Is It Time to Reboot Your Job Search or Your Career
Are you feeling stuck at work? Is your search taking far longer than you expected? Have you missed promotions or pay increases? Lost more than you can recoup holding out for the perfect paycheck? For at least two decades I have regularly talked with people who were unemployed for… more
Memorial Day 2015
Even with the United States combat operations in South West Asia and the Middle East now officially concluded, news headlines of violent struggles around the globe continue on a weekly basis. The world political stage is an uncertain one at best, and because of this, many of our … more
Big Declines in Security Clearance Determinations
ODNI recently released its 2014 Report on Security Clearance Determinations, which details individuals holding a clearance as of October 1, and the number of individuals approved or denied a clearance during the fiscal year. For a second year the numbers reveal an across the boar… more
Success is in the Company You Keep
It's an old saying. But old sayings are around for a reason. They make sense. It is true for practically any task or challenge you undertake, and searching for a new job is no exception. In fact, it is an understatement to say that the people around you – and their attitudes… more