Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Most Viewed Companies and Cleared Jobs of 2014

    Everyone does Top 10 lists. In our bid to take the road slightly less traveled, we bring you our Top 7 lists for 2014, based on cleared job seeker activity on ClearedJobs.Net. 7 Most Viewed Cleared Facilities Employers  These are the seven company profiles that cleared job see… more

  • DoD Contracts: FN Manufacturing, LLC Awarded $84M for M240 Machine Guns

    ARMY FN Manufacturing, LLC, Columbia, South Carolina, was awarded an $84,600,000 firm-fixed-price contract for fabrication and delivery of M240 machine guns and spare receivers. Funding and work location will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of … more

  • How to Handle Employment Gaps

    Once upon a time, the main employment gaps were among mothers returning to the work force. But now, such gaps are fairly common. More men are taking on family care, middle career people and retiring military are taking sabbaticals, it's not as easy to roll from one contract to an… more

  • The First Question in an Interview

    Tell me about yourself. And so the interview begins. The interviewer asks this ice breaker question as much to start a conversation as to actually learn about the job seeker sitting in front of him or her. The question: "So why don’t you tell me about yourself?” is gene… more

  • 3 Marketing Tips to Successful Cleared Job Search

    Job search is not a ‘fun’ project for most of us. Few people really understand that they are selling themselves. You need to look at job search as if it is a marketing plan. Because, yes, it is. First: What are you selling to what audience Focusing on exactly what you want … more