Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • One Size Doesn’t Fit All

    Engage your audience is a frequent battle cry of marketers. Many organizations start pumping out content thinking that this will be engaging. Content is engaging if it provides value to an audience. Unfortunately many don’t understand their audience before pumping out the co… more

  • Most Frequently Asked Interview Question – What’s Your Biggest Weakness

    "What's your biggest weakness?" asks the interviewer. "Well, um, I guess it would be…." stumbles the interviewee. And, the rest as they say is history. A history of missed opportunities due to lack of a credible and reasonable response to one of the most frequently asked inte… more

  • 3 Steps to Bridge the Military to Civilian Language Barrier

    Everyone is talking about the need to help veterans and transitioning military members find a job. It’s a learning process for both our service members and the recruiters looking to hire them. The number one reason I always hear mentioned for this disconnect is vets and transi… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Jo Weech, Red Alpha

    Jo tell us about yourself and Red Alpha Prior to working for Red Alpha, I had my own management consulting firm. A little over a year ago I started working with Red Alpha as a consultant. The company was growing and we focused our strategies on recruiting and retention. In May… more

  • UMBC Center for Cybersecurity Training Director Talks Cyber, Transition, MOS and More

    UMBC is one of the sponsors of CyberMaryland 2014. We had the opportunity to chat with Homer Minnick, Director, Center for Cybersecurity Training at UMBC Training Centers. Mr. Minnick is a 20-year Army veteran. How did you come to the fields of cybersecurity and training HM… more