Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Choosing a Recruiter to Help Your Job Search

    How much time do you invest in your career? When it comes to purchasing big ticket items such as a car or a home, we shop around to receive the best deal. We go out of our way to introduce ourselves to multiple car salespersons, or even visit 20-30 homes before we buy. Most of… more

  • 5 Candidate Experience Myths

    Ever wonder as a job seeker if recruiters really care about how you're treated in the hiring process? Your experience when applying for a job is referred to in the recruiting world as the “candidate experience”. And good companies are concerned about the experience a job s… more

  • Transitioning Military Learning to Fight A New Battle: Cybersecurity Leadership

    “What are you going to do next?” It’s the first question everyone asks when you let them know that you are finishing your stint with the armed services. Perhaps you have the answer — and perhaps you’re still trying to make out what will make the best use of your skills … more

  • Turn Military Experience Into Resume Achievements

    In this video Patra talks more about the need for having achievements on your resume, and not just responsibilities, whether you're transitioning military or not. Think of it from the recruiter's perspective -- they want to know what you did with your responsibilities that res… more

  • IT Certifications for Cleared Professionals

    "There's no such thing as an unemployed CCIE. If you have that certification your career is set for life," confidently states Technical Recruiter Doug Munro. CCIE is "Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert" to the uninitiated. CCIE is the highest level of professional certification… more