Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Social Media Recruiting in the Defense Sector

    The buzz concerning social media for promoting an employment brand and recruiting has reached a fever pitch. What was once thought not possible, namely access to social media sites at many companies and agencies, is now possible. Recently, Market Connections released their sur… more

  • Recruiters, What do Your Shoe Styles Say About Your Recruiting Style

    They say clothes make the man, and shoes make the woman, but what do shoes say about your recruiting or marketing style? To me, marketing and recruiting are synonymous. I also add marketing as Susan Strayer, Employment Brand marketer extraordinaire, is the conference chair for th… more

  • What’s Next for Your Career

    Are you trying to figure out your next career step? Many folks with higher level clearances just move into another job that requires the clearance because it's easy. Those with lower-level clearances face more difficulties when they discover it does not automatically get them ma… more

  • 6 Essentials for a Government Contracting Resume and Cover Letter

    Every time you seek a new job, you need to make sure you complete the essential steps. During GovWin's latest event in the GovCon Careers Webinar Series, Patricia A. Frame of Strategies for Human Resources covered the key elements of a professional resume and cover letter. … more

  • Selling Yourself in a Job Search

    One of the harder aspects of a great job search is learning to think about yourself in terms of what an employer wants. That is what it really means to see the value you can add to the employer. And underlies the idea of "You As a Product." Most of us never think of ourselves th… more