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  • Are You Impacted by BRAC and Wondering What To Do

    Once it seemed so far away and so full of tough choices that it was easy to postpone decisions. But here your BRAC changes still are and the deadlines approach. What now? Step 1.  What are you actually facing? Great job, moving to a distant location - quite different choices f… more

  • Military Transition: Planning Your Transition

    HR Strategist Patra Frame discusses the first steps of a military to civilian transition and the importance of taking advantage of the resources that are available to all service members. … more

  • Military Transition: You’re in Good Hands

    May is National Military Appreciation Month. Each week this month we bring you articles that honor our nation's vets. Our third post is by Rob Welsh, Major U.S. Army (retired), currently Executive Consultant/Program Manager, Invertix. Brother/Sister in Arms, First and forem… more

  • Wounded Warrior Mentor Program

    May is National Military Appreciation Month. Each week this month we bring you articles that honor our nation’s vets. Our second post is by Chrissa Dockendorf a Mentor/Intake Interviewer/Soldier Recruiter with the Wounded Warrior Mentor Program. Seeking a way to support Woun… more

  • Military Transition: What Do You Do When You’re Branded

    May is National Military Appreciation Month. Each week this month we bring you articles that honor our nation's vets. Our first post is by Jane Maliszewski, Colonel U.S. Army (retired), currently President, ISKA LLC, a Strategic Change Consultancy. "What do you do when you're bra… more