Search Results for: job fair

  • The 4-Step Job Seeker Sales Process

    Effective job seekers sell themselves and their product or services using the same sales process. Here is how to apply the sales process to preparation of your job search: Step 1, Learn about and understand the product / service you are selling That’s you! It can be s… more

  • Looking for a Job? You’re in Sales

    I often ask job search workshop groups “Have you ever been in sales?” A few hands will go up. “How many of you ARE in sales?” Again, a few hands go up. “How many of you are looking for a job?” As the light bulb goes on, all hands go up. Looking for a job is all… more

  • Inappropriate Job Seeker Stories of 2013

    The recruiters we interviewed in 2013 shared some humorous experiences with cleared job seekers. No doubt if we interviewed cleared job seekers, you would have some funny experiences that you've had with recruiters. Please share your stories with us in the comments below. T… more

  • 5 Most Popular ClearedJobs.Net Stories of 2013

    As the year comes to a close we review our most popular blog stories of 2013. This year’s most-read articles have a common theme – security clearances. We partnered this year with Tully Rinckey to bring you authoritative content on security clearances and it has proven to be… more

  • Postponing Your Job Search During the Holidays: A Bad Choice

    As the holiday season arrives many job seekers make a bad decision - to lessen, or shut down all-together, their job search with the thought they’ll renew and resume their search in the new year. Bad decision! Why? A misunderstanding of how hiring happens. Many job seeker… more