Search Results for: network

  • It Really Is All About Networking

    Are you groaning already? Tired of hearing about the value of networking? Networking is a vital component of a cleared job hunt. It’s not effective when jumped into on the spur of the moment either. Building your network will take time and should continue throughout your car… more

  • Preparing Your Network for the Change of a Job Search

    You’ve heard the expression “It takes a village.” This old and familiar expression applies to many things in life, and your job search is no exception. Who’s in your village When it comes to thinking about the village of people who will be involved in your job searc… more

  • Stay in Touch with your Network: A 5-Step Model

    When job seekers I’ve worked with land their new job, I ask them this question: “What are you going to do with your new-found network? You know, that network of contacts that you built during the course of your job search.” “Stay in touch?” they say. “How?”… more

  • Use Informational Interviews to Jump Start Your Job Search, Change Careers or Network for Success

    When I graduated from college, my sister gave me 10 high-level contacts at major corporations to pursue for informational interviews. I couldn’t wrap my head around why these people would want to spend time with me, or what on earth I was going to ask them. That’s probably be… more

  • Build Your Network Before You Need It

    When someone mentions networking, it conjures images of stilted conversations at professional cocktail parties. Forced smiles. Swapping business cards. There is absolutely nothing wrong with attending networking events. You should, in fact, because they can be really helpful i… more