Search Results for: job fair

  • How to Ace Your Interviews

    Our top 10 list of things you must do to excel in an interview. 1. Realize your interview starts with the first interaction you have with a potential employer From your online profiles, resume, and networking interactions, including job fairs, you’re already being ev… more

  • What Does it Mean to be Professional

    What does professionalism mean in today’s cleared job market? What does it mean to you? And to the customer site where you may be working? There are a number of aspects of professionalism, including conduct, appearance, behavior, dependability, communication, ethics, organiz… more

  • Hit These 6 Career Resolutions Out of the Park in 2019

    Last year the top New Year’s resolution was to lose weight and eat more healthily.1 Odds are that’s the top resolution for most years, with finding a new job much further down the list. But you may not know right now that you need to be preparing for a job search or career… more

  • What Myths Does Your Company Believe in Recruiting and Talent Management

    My first training in how to interview and select people to hire was a five day course by a well-known organization. My company was known for its management development so it was a shock the first day to learn that what I really needed to do to hire effectively: learn all I could … more

  • Resume Basics So Often Missed

    Resumes are tough for most people. We have difficulty figuring out what information to put on, what to leave off, and which advice to listen to. I do resume reviews regularly - for ClearedJobs.Net and others - and in my consulting work read tons of resumes and help hiring manager… more