Search Results for: job fair

  • How to Follow-Up for Results

    Most job seekers know, or discover shortly into their job search, that you need to follow-up. For instance, if you email a resume to a target employer, you follow-up. Or, if you meet with a network contact, you follow-up. Follow-up is an integral and essential part of job sear… more

  • Should I Work for a Large or Small Contractor

    What do you want from your job? Security? Resources to accomplish your goals? Autonomy? One of the things for you to consider when seeking a new cleared job is the size of the firm that you want to work for. We recently asked Mike Bruni, Director of Talent Acquisition at SC3,… more

  • How Do You Find a Senior Cleared Position

    A common theme at Cleared Job Fairs is the number of people who are looking for senior roles in management or professional jobs who lament how tough the job search is. Often this starts with a variant of ‘I keep applying for jobs but I never hear back.’ Few seem to realize th… more

  • Best Bang for Your Recruiting Investment

    According to the 2015 Candidate Research Report, candidates are looking well in advance for their jobs and are looking to have a real conversation before they go through the application process. While many smaller employers might not consider a job fair as part of their recrui… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Karen Ryan, TRG

    Karen, tell us about yourself and your company My experience as a Human Resources and Recruiting professional has afforded me the opportunity to meet and work with some extremely talented and very mission-focused individuals. My career foundations have always been rooted in te… more