Search Results for: network

  • Could Your Career Benefit from Having a Mentor

    Mentor relationships offer many professionals a better, faster way to increase their career success. Consider working with a mentor as part of your career development. Some companies provide formal mentoring relationships. Most such relationships are informal. Mentoring relati… more

  • How to be a Zebra in a Field of Cleared Unicorns

    Unicorns and purple squirrels (terms recruiters use for job seekers that match a job opening's requirements perfectly) are hard to find. In this field of mythical creatures you have to find a way to be a zebra. A real animal with high contrast stripes that doesn’t look like any… more

  • Employers Maximize Job Fair Success By Reaching Out Early

    We all know it, and we've all probably said it. To make a job fair successful, job seekers need to do their homework and prepare ahead of time. But to be fair, good employers need to understand that this advice goes both ways. For employers, the key to a successful recruitment… more

  • Always Tailor Your Resume When You Apply

    You crafted your resume, fine-tuned it, spellchecked it and are ready to hit send, confident the job is yours. STOP! If you haven’t tailored it for the specific job for which you’re applying you might as well hit delete instead of send. Recruiters spend an average of si… more

  • 5 Top Cleared Resume Tips

    At each Cleared Job Fair we offer quick resume reviews to our participants. This is a popular aspect of our program. Few of us write resumes very often. There is also conflicting advice out there, so most people are not sure about their resume's design and content. You should … more