Search Results for: network

  • How to Avoid Being a Terrible Job Seeker

    Not long ago I wrote an article aimed at recruiters titled "Why Veterans Make Terrible Job Seekers (And What Recruiters Can Do About It"). The piece was inspired by discussions I had been a part of through the Veteran Mentor Network group on LinkedIn. Despite it being written wit… more

  • Should Senior Level Job Seekers Attend Job Fairs

    I teach classes on career search and social media for transitioning government and military personnel. A common question I get from senior-level transitioning job seekers is whether it makes sense for them to attend a job fair. When they review the positions being filled at an ev… more

  • How to Explain Your Employment Gap

    Contracts end. Life gets in the way. Most of us at some point in our careers will deal with a gap in employment. Recruiters and hiring managers will be understanding to a degree. After all, they have most likely had to deal with similar issues in their careers. So while it's n… more

  • Why Job Searches Fail

    New Year’s Resolutions. It's that time of year when folks observe the tradition of making New Year's Resolutions. They join gyms, start exercise programs, begin diets, take courses to learn a new language, and right up there among the most popular resolutions is the vow to find… more

  • Better Leave These Behind When You Interview

    It’s not getting any easier.  The cleared job market remains competitive which means identifying the right fit is going to take some hard work.  Finding a cleared job is no exception. You will research companies, network with friends and former colleagues, polish your resume,… more