Search Results for: certification

  • What’s New in Cleared Job Search and What Hasn’t Changed

    When you're thinking about a new cleared job, you suddenly see conflicting information everywhere. Advice on resumes, interviews, and contacting employers comes from a wide range of sources - some research-based, some experience-based, some from the need to fill another blog page… more

  • Insider Tips on Working with Recruiters

    The following questions and answers were shared at a BSides San Antonio discussion moderated by Kathleen Smith with ClearedJobs.Net. The participating recruiting professionals included Irma Symons HR manager for IPSecure, Bill Bransletter Recruiting Manager with ASG, and KJ Howel… more

  • Professional Development Eases Your Military Transition

    Your transition to the civilian world is an exciting and challenging process. You should realize, though, you'll bring with you a big plus on this journey -- the leadership and team skills you have developed during your military career. This advantage is a skill set that will ser… more

  • Successful Cleared Job Search – A Checklist

    Whether you are just thinking about changing jobs, in transition from the military/federal government, or need a new job now, there are common steps in job search which will help you succeed. This outline of the basics can guide you. As you read it, I hope you recognize most of t… more

  • Getting Started with Professional Development

    If you want to impress potential cleared employers, it’s important to stay current in your field and continue to show you have the motivation to advance in your career. Make it a priority to stay up-to-date and work on polishing your skills. This work shows that you’re unwave… more