Search Results for: networking

  • Let’s Get More Veterans to Black Hat

    It has been an interest of mine and ClearedJobs.Net for some time to get more veterans involved with cybersecurity. Many of the challenges that face veterans as they transition into the private sector further complicate veterans moving into a cybersecurity career. Namely lack… more

  • How Do You Ask Others for Job Search Help

    The first rule when asking someone for help in your job search is do not ask them for a job. The odds that the person you’re asking actually has a job opening for a position that’s right for you are pretty slim. You may feel desperate to find a new job, but with this appro… more

  • A Cybersecurity Discussion with Sherri Ramsay

    As part of our support for the Women in Cybersecurity Conference, we chatted with Sherri Ramsay, Senior Advisor, CyberPoint International, and former federal employee. Both Sherri and CyberPoint International have been long-time supporters of the Women in Cybersecurity Conference… more

  • The Formula for Successful Job Search

    Finding a job can be a challenge. Transitioning from one industry to another is an even bigger challenge, especially if you’re a veteran. Building and maintaining your network makes that challenge easier. I’m going to show you how through the wonders of math. Now math is t… more

  • What Hooked You on Cybersecurity

    As part of our support for the Women in Cybersecurity Conference, we interviewed key women security leaders on their careers and experience in the industry, including several Facebook cyber professionals. What Initially Interested You in Cybersecurity “I studied Informati… more