Search Results for: resume

  • Focus on Leadership Capabilities for a Career Change

    Are you describing yourself as a Director, Manager, Supervisor, or a Team Lead on your cleared resume? It doesn’t matter if you are a help desk team lead supervising other support colleagues, or a project manager who manages cross-functional colleagues. Showcasing your ability … more

  • How to Craft Your Success Stories for Interviews

    You dread job interviews. Surprise! So does the person interviewing you. The problem for most of us is that interviews seem to incorporate the worst parts of cocktail party chatter – superficial and staged – but have major consequences. The interview is a major factor i… more

  • How One Company Views Salary and Compensation Negotiations

    Last month ClearedJobs.Net polled recruiting professionals asking them to identify the areas of the hiring process that pose the most difficulty for cleared jobs seekers. Their top response: Salary expectations. Making this such a tough issue for job seekers is the unique envi… more

  • If You Think You May Lose Your Job

    No one wants to admit they are going to be terminated or laid off. But in the defense and intel contracting community, it certainly isn’t unusual. Contracts end. Budgets are cut. Still, it’s a blow to the ego. We all want to believe we’re irreplaceable. After all, many o… more

  • How to Turn Around a Bad Interview

    We’ve all been there. You’re pouring over new cleared job postings when you come across a position that seems just perfect. Good company. Good location. Terrific job description. Your heart starts to beat a bit faster as you crank out a cover letter, tailor your resume to the… more