Search Results for: resume

  • 5 Steps When You Don’t Get the Job

    Didn't get the job? Came in second? What can you do? Follow-up. It’s happened to all of us. You found a position you really like. It feels like a great fit, and you know you have what it takes to not only do the job, but to do a great job. So you went after it, gave it all y… more

  • Networking with Recruiters

    Every job search expert will tell you that you need to network. Especially with recruiters. But how do you start? One key thing to remember is that we all communicate and network differently. Some people are very comfortable with all forms of electronic communication. Others p… more

  • Pay Cuts, Layoffs and Contract Recompetes

    I’m going to oversimplify the world of government contracting for the sake of explaining why you might experience a pay cut or a layoff after a contract recompete. The government essentially has two options when it comes to soliciting work from contracting companies. They can … more

  • Is It Time to Reboot Your Job Search or Your Career

    Are you feeling stuck at work? Is your search taking far longer than you expected? Have you missed promotions or pay increases? Lost more than you can recoup holding out for the perfect paycheck? For at least two decades I have regularly talked with people who were unemployed for… more

  • Success is in the Company You Keep

    It's an old saying. But old sayings are around for a reason. They make sense. It is true for practically any task or challenge you undertake, and searching for a new job is no exception. In fact, it is an understatement to say that the people around you – and their attitudes… more