Search Results for: resume
How Military Women Find Job Search Success
Military women transitioning to the civilian world over the past decade have had higher rates of unemployment than men. What can you do to make sure you find the right cleared job and succeed? 1. Take advantage of every transition program offered. Research shows that those … more
A Cyber Warrior’s Journey to Leidos
Shane Jaeger, Senior Business Development Manager, Leidos, is a 27-year Navy veteran who does a great job sharing on his LinkedIn Profile why a company would want to hire him. Here is an excerpt: How does being a veteran line up with being successful in the world of business d… more
Real Co$t of a Vacation During Job Search
To Vacation or Not To Vacation. That's one question. But not the only one. The bigger question is what is the real co$t of that week or two or three away? The article below discusses 3 questions to answer before deciding to go on a vacation during your job search. Question 1: … more
Don’t Start a Business Because You Need a Job
Don’t start a business because you need a cleared job and you haven't found one yet. ● Only start your own business because what you want is to run your own company. ● Work at getting a job if you what you really want is a job! It’s that time of year. It's about that… more
It’s the Fourth Quarter Where Is Your Talent Pool
Summertime. Lazy days by the pool or enjoying a round of golf. In the defense and intelligence community it’s the fiscal fourth quarter and RFPs are dropping. While colleagues are enjoying summer vacations, most cleared recruiters are working on proposals rather than their tans… more