Tag Archives: 30-second commercial

  • How to Master Your Personal Introduction

    Our top tips to help you perfect the most used tool in your cleared job search. Whether you call it your elevator pitch, personal introduction, or 30-second commercial, you need to be able to quickly and clearly communicate who you are and what you’re looking for. It’… more

  • The Most Used Tool in Your Job Search and Career

    Personal introduction, 30-second commercial, elevator pitch or elevator speech. Whichever name you choose, it’s the most-used tool in your job search, and hopefully, your career. You’ve no doubt put a fair amount of effort into your resume and worked to brush up on your in… more

  • Job Seeker Tips if You’ve Been Unemployed Over 4 Months

    If you’ve been searching for a new position with little or no success -- sending out resumes, filling out applications,  networking -- it’s easy to become discouraged, deflated, and defeated. However, I have worked with a number of clients who experienced long-term unempl… more

  • How to Be Seen in Your Job Search

    "For some reason, lately I’ve received a number of letters and invitations taking the form of an email that says, 'Please read the attached invitation/letter,' plus said attachment. Do people really not understand that this is a good way to be ignored? Life is busy, there are … more