Tag Archives: Career Development

  • Stay Current & Stand Out: Strategies to Keep Up-to-Date in Your Field

    When preparing for a job interview, it's common to focus on the technical questions you might be asked. However, if you really want to stand out, it's essential to also be prepared for the question, "How do you stay up-to-date in your field?" While it is true that some go… more

  • Future Career Success Means You Need to Do This Today

    You have a job now - whether it's a recent change or you have been there awhile, your job is part of your career now. How are you using it to build your career successfully? We get a new job, we meet a few co-workers in person or virtually, and we get to work. Our work ma… more

  • What Career Choices Do You Need To Make Next for Your Future

    You’ve seen all the coverage of the “Great Resignation,” the various debates over how and where work will occur if we ever get to the “new normal,” and the wild coverage of how hard it is to hire. For many people, the volume of daily life and work changes from the … more

  • Smarter Job Search: The Career Decision Matrix

    How to use a career decision matrix to make the best choices when searching for a new job. We go into a job search with hopes and desires. And, quickly or not, a possible job offer appears and suddenly it becomes a decision. Often I talk with people who are trying to deci… more

  • Who, What, Why…Successful Job Search

    Many people start a job search by telling close friends they need a new job or by updating their resume. Both of those steps are necessary but first you need to think about what you want from this change. One of the basics of investigative journalism serves as a great way fo… more