Tag Archives: career
What Job Seekers Should Be Doing Now: Part 1
The way we gather to share professional and personal information has changed dramatically in a matter of weeks. I used to get on a plane 2-3 times a month to present at conferences, our company would produce 1-2 career events a month, and we would meet for social gatherings on a… more
Help Employers Find You, Refresh Your Account
Career sites such as ClearedJobs.Net let you create a job search profile and upload your resume. This is an effective tool that allows recruiters and hiring managers to find you, as they are often more skilled at finding you than you are at finding suitable jobs to apply for. Bu… more
Could Your Career Benefit from Having a Mentor
Mentor relationships offer many professionals a better, faster way to increase their career success. Consider working with a mentor as part of your career development. Some companies provide formal mentoring relationships. Most such relationships are informal. Mentoring relati… more
Starting a Career Transition
Most people make several significant career transitions over their work life. If you are thinking of changing careers or are leaving the military or federal government, do recognize this transition will take lots of preparation and time. Research shows that most successful transi… more
7 Steps to Success in a New Cleared Job
First impressions count in many facets of your career. That includes when you start a new job. Start your new position on the right foot to set the tone for your continued success. Here's a list of pointers for that first week at a new job to get you off to a good start. … more