Tag Archives: contingent offer

  • It’s Okay to Say No: Declining a Job Offer

    To accept, or not to accept, that is the question. There’s much to consider when it comes to job offers, similar to other significant decisions we make in life. We often wade through various relationships waiting to find the right one to ultimately commit to. Or we search … more

  • 5 Ways You Waste Time in Your Job Search

    Job search is hard enough on its own. Make sure you’re not getting in your own way, by pursuing any of these strategies that may trip you up: Applying for way too many jobs. It’s almost too easy to apply for jobs these days, and as a job board we’ve contributed to the… more

  • I’ve Got A Job Offer, Do I Shout it From the Rooftops

    You've landed your new position - you have an offer in hand! You want to tell absolutely everybody. But should you? Chances are, if you have been looking for a job in today's still tough employment market, you have been working really hard at your cleared job search. When you … more

  • Learning New Skills for Your Cleared Job Search Webinar

    If you missed our recent webinar on new skills for your cleared job search, check out the recorded version below. You'll learn immediate actionable steps you can take to improve your job search -- from typical job seeker mistakes to the value of data mining social media for in… more