Tag Archives: DISCO

  • The 5 Most Popular ClearedJobs.Net Stories of 2012

    As 2012 comes to a close, we’re reviewing our blog stories that generated the most readers this year. America loves lists, so those tend to be the most popular articles. That is unless you throw out something controversial such as whether your email service provider makes yo… more

  • What’s Happening in the DoD World of Security Clearance Processing

    Laura Hickman, Director of the Defense Security Service (DSS, aka the agency formerly known as DISCO) spoke at the recent annual meeting of the Chesapeake chapter of the National Classification Management Society, (NCMS aka the Society of Industrial Security Professionals). NC… more

  • Top 10 Reasons DISCO and OPM Reject Security Clearance Requests

    Check out this just released list of top 10 reasons that security clearance requests are rejected. You may have thought drug use or credit issues were to blame, but it's not nearly as juicy as that. It's mundane simple mistakes, such as missing information, lack of fingerprint ca… more

  • 2 Most Common Mistakes When Applying for a Security Clearance

    At the recent National Classification Management Society Annual Chapter Seminar Laura Hickman, DISCO Director, shared the two most common mistakes applicants make when applying for a security clearance. Most of these rejections come from employees of small cleared facilities empl… more