Tag Archives: Guideline H
Understanding Guideline H: Don’t Let Drug Involvement Derail Your Security-Cleared Career
Many employees and contractors of the United States federal government, military personnel, and government officials, who require access to classified information in the course of performing their duties, are required to obtain and maintain a security clearance. However, man… more
Is Your Security Clearance at Risk? The Truth About Marijuana Investments
With the economy beginning to recover to its pre-pandemic levels, financial wellness has been at the top of mind for many working Americans. This is echoed by recent Gallup poll data, showing that around 61%—or 158 million Americans—own stocks or comparable investments. … more
Will I Lose My Security Clearance if I’ve Used Marijuana
One of the most common questions heard from cleared employees is: “I purchased, smoked, or consumed marijuana. Is there any chance I can obtain or maintain my security clearance?” While there is not a straightforward answer, in short, marijuana still remains an illega… more
Medical Marijuana Edibles and Your Security Clearance
The Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals adjudicates industrial security clearance cases for contractor personnel. Stay apprised of recent Industrial Security Clearance Review (ISCR) cases and their outcomes to safeguard your own clearance. If you want to maintain your … more
How to Obtain or Maintain a Security Clearance Despite Prior Drug Use
Under Guideline H, Drug Involvement, the government may have security concerns about past or current illegal drug use since this can raise questions as to your judgment, trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Those possessing a security clearance are required to be res… more