Tag Archives: INSA

  • Should I Get a Master’s in Cyber Intelligence

    One of the great things about participating in a LinkedIn group is that you can ask a question. Depending on the group you may get some really good feedback. In one particular group focused on Cyber Intelligence, we noticed this question by a transitioning military professional. … more

  • Is Social Anthropology the New Intel Career Path

    The current unrest in the Middle East is an example of the changing landscape for the Intel community and the evolution of skill sets and analytical needs for the future. At yesterday’s discussion on Evolving Priorities and Threats for the U.S. Intelligence Community, Drs. S… more

  • 6 Recommendations for Improving Security Clearance Management

    [caption id="attachment_4054" align="alignright" width="300"] Tim Clark, Government Executive, Charlie Allen, INSA, John Fitzpatrick, National Archives[/caption] On the whole we’ve slain the dragon of taking months, if not years, to process clearances on the front end. Anecdot… more