Tag Archives: Job search
7 Surprisingly Common Interview Mistakes
When you arrive at an interview, first impressions are critical. The people you interview with will subconsciously make judgments about you within the first minutes of meeting you. Those impressions are influenced by many things beyond your skills, such as how you shake hands, ho… more
How to Follow-Up for Results
Most job seekers know, or discover shortly into their job search, that you need to follow-up. For instance, if you email a resume to a target employer, you follow-up. Or, if you meet with a network contact, you follow-up. Follow-up is an integral and essential part of job sear… more
Don’t Use These 4 Job Search Strategies
The job search landscape has changed tremendously in recent years. The digital age has led to information overload for both job seekers and employers. We’ve talked to recruiters and hiring managers in the cleared community and developed a list of cleared job search practices th… more
The Most Used Tool in Your Job Search and Career
Personal introduction, 30-second commercial, elevator pitch or elevator speech. Whichever name you choose, it’s the most-used tool in your job search, and hopefully, your career. You’ve no doubt put a fair amount of effort into your resume and worked to brush up on your in… more
Key Precepts of a Successful Cleared Job Search
How you think about your job search is just as critical as the implementation of your job search. Effective marketing tools such as resumes, marketing plans, and other job search tools are essential to your success. But how you think about your search is just as important, … more