Tag Archives: Job search

  • Why Job Searches Fail

    New Year’s Resolutions. It's that time of year when folks observe the tradition of making New Year's Resolutions. They join gyms, start exercise programs, begin diets, take courses to learn a new language, and right up there among the most popular resolutions is the vow to find… more

  • Better Leave These Behind When You Interview

    It’s not getting any easier.  The cleared job market remains competitive which means identifying the right fit is going to take some hard work.  Finding a cleared job is no exception. You will research companies, network with friends and former colleagues, polish your resume,… more

  • The Holidays, the Most Dangerous Time of the Year

    The holidays – the most wonderful time of year. Except when it comes to job seeking. Then they can become the most dangerous time of the year! Why? Because the holidays, fraught with frustrations, temptations, disappointments, and misunderstandings, can lead to the demise of… more

  • 6 Interview Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard

    Here are some unique tips, strategies and things to think about before your next interview. Take a list of questions to ask the interviewer. By now you likely know that you should come to an interview prepared to ask relevant questions. Interviews are two-way communications so… more

  • What to Ask When Researching and Interviewing Target Employers

    Research is an often ignored or minimal aspect of job search. Given the huge wave of change that has swept government contracting over the last five years, this is especially dangerous. Many of today’s big names are a totally different company than they were even a year or two … more