Tag Archives: Job search
Success is in the Company You Keep
It's an old saying. But old sayings are around for a reason. They make sense. It is true for practically any task or challenge you undertake, and searching for a new job is no exception. In fact, it is an understatement to say that the people around you – and their attitudes… more
4 Tips for More Effective Job Search on ClearedJobs.Net
As much as job seekers get frustrated about the lack of time a recruiter spends looking at each resume (six seconds is the most quoted stat), it turns out that job seekers aren’t doing much to hold up their end of the bargain either. In fact, a Wall Street Journal article repo… more
How to Handle Employment Gaps
Once upon a time, the main employment gaps were among mothers returning to the work force. But now, such gaps are fairly common. More men are taking on family care, middle career people and retiring military are taking sabbaticals, it's not as easy to roll from one contract to an… more
What’s Your Greatest Strength
"What's your greatest strength?" asks the interviewer. "Well, mmmm. . . , I would say I'm . . . uh," stumbles the interviewee. A missed opportunity to succinctly and reasonably tell your interviewer a couple of your key attributes that make you stand out from the crowd and why … more
Cleared Job Fair Feedback, the Toughest and Easiest Positions to Fill
At our recent Cleared Job Fairs we asked cleared recruiters several questions that cleared cleared job seekers will find of interest. We also asked Patra Frame to share with us some of the issues she saw while reviewing cleared resumes. Do you prefer receiving a resume as a PDF … more