Tag Archives: military resume
Transitioning Military: Write Your Resume With These 4 Steps
Like many recruiters, I see so many resumes from military people with a lot of basic errors. Some may not have paid attention in transition programs, some did not do their homework, and some got bad advice. Here are basics you must know. The first is that you cannot write… more
Leidos Shares How to Target Your Resume and Ace Your Interviews After the Military
Alex Verhulst, Talent Acquisition Military Program Manager at Leidos, shares resume, interviewing, and cleared career advice with transitioning military and veterans. Tailor your resume to every position you apply for. First, you need to have a master resume document. The… more
The Big 5 Resume Mistakes of Military Transition
Creating a useful resume is difficult work. It takes research, knowledge, introspection, and decent writing skills. Even the best of us often have trouble writing our resumes. Over many years as an HR professional, I have volunteered to do resume reviews with various groups.… more