Tag Archives: research

  • The Job May Be Right, but is the Company

    You crafted your resume, aced the interviews and are certain you’ll field a job offer. But do you want to join the company? Is it the right fit for you? Is it the right contract for you? Many Baby Boomers, GenXers and others were conditioned to gratefully accept almost any jo… more

  • What to Ask When Researching and Interviewing Target Employers

    Research is an often ignored or minimal aspect of job search. Given the huge wave of change that has swept government contracting over the last five years, this is especially dangerous. Many of today’s big names are a totally different company than they were even a year or two … more

  • Top Six Tips for Job Search Research

    Why Bother?  WIIFM? At seminar after talk after workshop I do, people are unsure how to really go about researching the next step.   Many think it is too much work.  And then they wonder how they ever got stuck in such a bad job/place. Most recruiters will tell you that… more