Tag Archives: Security Clearance

  • GAO Report on Personnel Security Clearances

    The General Accounting Office (GAO) Report on Personnel Security Clearances released last Thursday does lots of finger pointing. The bad guys are the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). This is a very high-level report so it’… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, John Garrett, Systems Made Simple

    John, tell us about yourself and Systems Made Simple Recruiting was a career change for me after spending 8 successful years in business development and sales. I started my recruiting life In the Agency world with one of the largest privately owned firms in the US and eventual… more

  • 4,917,751 Individuals Hold a Security Clearance

    There are interesting numbers to be found in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) 2012 Report on Security Clearance Determinations. As of October 1, 2012 4,917,751 individuals held a security clearance. It's a snapshot in time, so the number is always cha… more

  • Security Clearance Loss of Jurisdiction

    Few things cause more frustration than being rejected by a prospective employer because of a “Loss of Jurisdiction” and an “Incident Report.” When you’re terminated from a job where you held a Department of Defense (DoD) security clearance, your former employer “se… more

  • The 5 Most Popular ClearedJobs.Net Stories of 2012

    As 2012 comes to a close, we’re reviewing our blog stories that generated the most readers this year. America loves lists, so those tend to be the most popular articles. That is unless you throw out something controversial such as whether your email service provider makes yo… more