What to Ask When Researching and Interviewing Target Employers

Posted by Patra Frame

InterviewResearch is an often ignored or minimal aspect of job search. Given the huge wave of change that has swept government contracting over the last five years, this is especially dangerous. Many of today’s big names are a totally different company than they were even a year or two ago as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and business focus has been in ongoing flux. Sequestration’s impact will ensure this continues for several more years.

Today we are going to create a “cheat sheet” for your job search. This will help you uncover critical issues vital to your career success. Later you can review this to prepare for targeting the best companies for you. Plus it will help with every interview you get.

This cheat sheet is designed to help you organize your thoughts, research, and questions. It is a useful starting point. Modify it as necessary and appropriate for you. Don’t forget to add questions specific to your personal and professional goals!

Some questions shown will depend on the level or type of position you seek. Those sections or questions shown with an asterisk* are more useful to those seeking mid-level management to executive positions.

You are seeking to learn, via these questions, enough to target the best employer matches for your needs. Every government contractor is not your target – some will not have work which interests you. Others will not match your needs and values. The cleared market is larger than you think. This research can also help you learn of potential employers you do not recognize.

Getting Started

Begin your research with employer profiles on ClearedJobs.Net and move on to the most interesting employers’ websites for more depth and detail. Search for external reviews and information from trade or business publications. Then check the employee reviews on Glassdoor and Vault.

Use these questions and your own as a part of networking too. This helps you learn more about the realities of each target employer.

When you get to the interview stage, ask a number of specific questions of each interviewer. See how the answers you receive compare with the results of your own research about the organization. Ask several interviewers the more general questions – the more you ask, the better you will be able to assess the reality versus the “sales pitch.”

Don’t be afraid to ask questions during interviews! This process helps you assess each potential opportunity and how it matches your goals and needs. Experienced hiring managers will assess you on the quality of your questions. “How much vacation will I get,” is a negative since it doesn’t show any interest in the work . “What are the critical few goals for the first three months,” is a positive. Asking no questions is often interpreted as a lack of interest.

Let the “cheat sheet” help you think about the basic information you need so that you can make a good choice. This is by no means an exhaustive list! But it should give you a good start on creating your own.

A. The Organization (research website & public sources, ask your contacts)

What is the Vision? Mission?
How is the vision manifested in the organization?
What is the current strategy?
* Is there a strategic plan? How is it used?
* Who is involved in strategic planning?
What agencies and projects in your preferred arena has the company done?
What is its reputation within the cleared community?
What is the culture?
Does the existing culture support your goals and needs?
What are the organization’s stated values? Actual values?
How do these compare to your preferred values?
Who are the major competitors?
What is this organization’s market share in comparison to competitors?
How is market share changing?
Is there potential for disruption in the business arena?
What are the critical business issues facing the organization?
Does the organization have formal development programs in your function?
Does it tend to promote from within?

B. Immediate Manager’s Views (from interviews and contacts)

What is the function’s role within the organization?
Is it seen as effective as is?
Are there plans that will change the role in the next year?
Does the contract currently exist or is it pending approval?
What are current client relations like?
* Are there required business development aspects to the role? How defined?
* How are current staff members seen within the organization?
Who are peers to this position? Subordinates?
Does the client have to interview and approve this hire?
What are the critical relationships outside the work unit for the person in this position?
What other functions does it support?
What development opportunities exist?
What are the ‘critical few’ objectives for this position in next 6 months? Year?
* What are the key projects related to: Critical business issues, Strategic plan,
Business Development, Operations/Business Plan, Internal initiatives
* What is the budget?
How will performance be measured?
Timetable of performance reviews, informal and formal?
*What is the current level of turnover in the company? In the function?
Why is the position open? How long has it been open?
Are there internal candidates?
Previous incumbent’s successes?

C. The Client Interview (from interview)

What is the scope of the work?
What are the critical issues facing the project and this role?
What does the client define as ‘success’ in this role?
Are there any concerns the client has about the project or role?
What is the client’s ideal candidate like?

D. * The Executive/Senior Management View of the Function (from public sources and interviews)

What is the function’s role within the organization?
What are the current critical issues?
What are longer-term critical issues?
How do these relate to the primary business issues?
Is the top person in the function a member of the executive staff?
What role, if any, does the top person have with the Board of Directors?
What does each executive interviewed see as the role of the function?
What experience does each executive have with your potential role?
What are the ‘critical few’ objectives for the next 6 months? 12 months?

Assessing and Maintaining Your Interview Cheat Sheet

To start, modify your ‘cheat sheet’ as needed:

  • OMIT the questions which are not important for your level or goals.
  • ADD those items which are important to you and match your goals and values. Consider your needs versus wants, such as: specific programs, professional growth, ability to mentor others, a short commute, or whatever.

Later, as you begin interviewing, you may want to revise this list of questions again to better reflect both your goals and the marketplace.

Bottom Line

This cheat sheet is a starting point. As you do your research and informational interviewing, you should find other questions which will give you insight.

Don’t be afraid to bring your questions into an interview or to make notes about the answers you receive. Many interviewers gauge interest by the questions asked and some by the notes taken.

Always compare the answers you get in interviews to those you got from your network and in your research of the organization’s public information. Sometimes the “talk” is not the reality.

Patra FramePatra Frame is ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Consultant. She is an experienced human resources executive and founder of Strategies for Human Resources. Patra is an Air Force veteran and charter member of the Women in Military Service for America Memorial. Follow Patra on Twitter @2Patra.


  • Patra Frame

    Patra Frame is ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Management Consultant. She is an experienced human resources executive and founder of Strategies for Human Resources. Patra is an Air Force veteran and charter member of the Women in Military Service for America Memorial. Follow Patra on Twitter @2Patra.

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This entry was posted on Monday, November 30, 2015 8:26 am

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