4 Workout Tips for Getting Your Job Search in Shape for Summer

Posted by Ashley Jones
summer job search

With summer just around the corner, people are talking about working on their beach bodies—especially after emerging from a year of quarantine. But if you’re looking for a new career opportunity, now is the time to focus on getting your job search in shape. Similar to a fitness journey, it takes time and commitment to reach your cleared job search goals. And summer is not the time to drop your routine if you want to see results.

While you may have heard the myth that hiring goes on hold in the summer, hiring does continue throughout the season. In fact, it’s often a great time to focus on your job search, as others drop out of the race and open up the playing field. Use these tips to push through and achieve your summer job search goals.

1. Strengthen Your Network

Even those who regularly work out their networking skills can benefit from some additional networking reps. Consider these ideas to expand the number of contacts in your network and strengthen your existing connections:

  • Have your elevator speech prepared. You never know when you might meet someone who could be a valuable asset to your career. It’s wise to have a business card and personal introduction ready to go at all times.
  • Stay active in your professional community. Use in person or virtual professional events, job fairs, educational activities, social media, and volunteer opportunities to expand your network. Collect business cards, connect on social media, or send a personalized email message to build on your initial introductions
  • Mention you’re looking for new opportunities. Be sure to clearly communicate that you’re in job search mode, what type of role you seek, and specifics like companies and locations of interest.
  • Follow up after meeting new people. When you forge a new relationship during networking activities, let them know you’d love to stay in touch. Networking is not only about building relationships, but also sustaining them.
  • Reconnect with your existing network. Many of us have lost touch with our network in light of the pandemic, so don’t forget to renew the connections you already have—they might even have a potential lead to share with you. The number one way to get a job is through referrals. So don’t let your past networking efforts go to waste. Put them to use and reap the benefits of your network
  • Use the season to your advantage. As people take time off in the summer the workplace tends to slow down a bit, but this can be to your networking advantage! This is a great time to get ahold of people a little easier and arrange a time to meet up.

2. Get Your Marketing Materials in Shape

If you want to make it across the job search finish line, you’ll also need to make sure your marketing materials are up-to-speed. These include your resume, business card, and social media profiles. Is everything up-to-date, clear, and correct? In many cases, your marketing materials will precede a phone call, virtual interview or face-to-face encounter with a recruiter or hiring manager. Ensure they sell your best self and support a positive first impression that will lead to an interview.

If you’ve been in job search mode longer than anticipated, this is especially important. Take some time to re-group and thoroughly proofread, edit, and rewrite where you can make improvements. Does your resume show what you want to do, versus a list of what you’ve simply done? To write your most effective resume, you might need to revise and refocus with the perspective of a target employer in mind. The network that you’ve been nurturing can serve as an additional set of eyes. Ask them to check your materials and give you feedback. It can take a village to master a successful cleared job search.

3. Level Up Your Skills

Has your job search plateaued? Maybe you haven’t heard back from the companies you’ve applied to or you don’t see any momentum in your job search. At this point you’ve made sure your resume sells you, but maybe it still needs a finishing touch—like a commitment to continued learning. Take the initiative to do some industry research and assess your skills against the demands of the market.

If you’re not currently employed, it will be especially helpful to show you’re doing something to stay sharp and maintain your skillset. Even with many in-person gatherings and events still on hold, there are a number of virtual summits and activities you can attend right away. Consider taking classes, attending seminars, volunteering in your professional community, or obtaining certifications. Exemplify your passion and commitment to your field to enhance your marketability.

4. Push Through With Good Follow Up

Once you’ve already applied for positions, it’s time to follow up. Be proactive and move the process forward. As people take time off in the summer, there tend to be less office meetings and schedules can free up. Those left manning the fort might have additional time to talk with you and answer questions. Take the opportunity to get in touch and get the ball rolling again if it’s slowed down or come to a stop.

If you’ve already interviewed, follow up and offer to supply any further information they might need. Do you still need to meet with other members of their staff? Do they know when you’re available for a final interview? While you want to stay visible and push the process forward, don’t berate them with demands or your frustrations. Be considerate of their schedule and offer to do what you can to make the process run smoothly. And of course express your continued interest.

The bottom line is, hiring doesn’t stop in the summer. While others wind down their efforts, you have an opportunity to make the most of the season. So keep the momentum flowing, or you’ll regret missed opportunities and the wasted time it takes to get back up and running. Actively search, network, and apply for jobs this summer to get a jump on everyone else not looking. By staying visible and pushing through, you’ll have something to celebrate as you reach your summer job search goals.


  • Ashley Jones is ClearedJobs.Net's blog Editor and a cleared job search expert, dedicated to helping security-cleared job seekers and employers navigate job search and recruitment challenges. With in-depth experience assisting cleared job seekers and transitioning military personnel at in-person and virtual Cleared Job Fairs and military base hiring events, Ashley has a deep understanding of the unique needs of the cleared community. She is also the Editor of ClearedJobs.Net's job search podcast, Security Cleared Jobs: Who's Hiring & How.

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 01, 2021 11:46 am

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